Rehearsals Starts and End ! (no more skipping class T_T)
The reason why i am putting 2 days into one post is because because both of em have less photo taken so i put them together incase it gets boring .
so last Wednesday when we came back from the practice we chill in our class when our nday clothing have finnaly arrives , well its only for the XXL and XL size not that i care because my clothing size is XL :). Then on Thusday in da morning , the clothing with the other size finnaly delivered.
Once everyone finnaly put their clothing on , we took off in our small, lame , uncomfortable bus >.>
we were already in the bus when i saw wafao and tang outside, and that brownish thing? i dont know how it get there =O , can you feel the evil haunting feeling in this picture?
Yeah so kesian , the bus already full and they cant get in anymore
When we have reach our destination
*ahem* *coughs* Barrysia , remember the girl you like from our school ?
mizan is sad since its the last day of rehearsal
Mizan : Why GOd must it all end like this !?
But the negative one is simply happy >.> yea be happy on your trip to Kl on national day Nas
Aisam was rapping something randomly , btw one maggie 'Asam' please C=
hey why are you people down there for , come on up !
Thats right mang ! even the small dare to climb high
Good Good come on up people !
When wafao reach the top he said.
wafou : damn man , walking all the way up is like running for 10 km
well actually is a bit true , pictures cant express it but it was high and quite tiresome
OH here comes Oliver nextThis is the view from the top and if i zoom in...........
Um...thats Ho SHow right there i think 0o
Thats Wong there and [ a three letter name ](he call me not to post his name on me blog)Lol its easy to spot Arian with that blue cap of his
Mizwar , Eddie , ALister and Wafi(Wapee) oH crap he saw meh
i see 2 guys(in green obviously and its from our school) ryte there (the focus of the camera) , well 3 but i want you to guess only the 1st 2 of them , guess it right and ima give u a patchi XD

later Wafi(Wapee) call us down since our breakfast have finnaly arrived and so is our props

I know the food sucks sometime but cheer up , there are foodstalls where you can buy roti john and kebab <3>

and yeah even chinese or other foreign race have to wear tudongs

lol and as usual other school was staring at us weirldly at us because of our unique humour behavior, yea for some reason our school is unique .

*thrashes are now thrown in mizan face *
*more wooting now*

While i was heading to the bus in 'my' way i saw...

then i head to my bus when in i go , then i saw Ali was like taking a pic of me in the bus which make me follow too (yeah i immitate)

Stop it Eddie ! (now fan o0 ?!)

HEy you stupid lazy Asshole ! WAke Up and help me stop them !
Me : Stop them before ................!

Me : o.o (thats effing too late )
leme give tell you readers bout the prop Ivan is playing ,
1st of all its call ....... (i don't know that one o.o)
2nd of all its use in four segment . if your wandering bout the segments and what they are oh you will found out in my final post of the nday ,yeah the actual day of nday and not reheassals .( wild guess o.o)
and 3rd of all it can be switch to 4 colour (i think 0o? why did i bother explaining ==), the one ivan is playing is white one.
anyway later when a.maths started again we decided to stay in geo elective but syed told us its better to go to a.maths for some reason , and yea it was better to go to a.maths , teacher was'nt day and the class was having a egg fight . It was a nice fun and entertainment

And soon the fight started

LAter as this go on , Richelle(did i spell her name wrong?) Started scolding them for being so imature and playing with eggs
yea they are SOOOooo imature like kids i mean only to Branden and Tang(-kai jering) while syed , i know you just want to bulley them so yeah we understand , because i was eating chicken rice i let mizwar be the camera man

Anyway after a lil some' some' scolding from richelle they finnaly settle down when...

Arian : o right , lets do this thang !
Syed : Damn right !
Arian and Syed : *throws egg towards branden*

Arian : ready set ........... FUC- i mean FIGHT !
Tang : But it was'nt me
Lol i lol so badly when Tang was frame by Syed and Arian

Hell i look a kid with short hair ! UGHhhhh sabar.........................after term holiday it meh hair should at least reach my eye already .
Now for another random pictar of the day ,

(me birthday was on 2ndmarch and this post is posted on6 march , 8am , yeah i delay a lot because the lack of time i have to go online)