My Final Regretfull Days Shall Be Over
Days which come n go with or without happiness or love n even painful sadness

SCREAM even louder now please :DD ?

Play first cause i BET YOU CANT WIN ;p

Feb18 , Wenesday

By ~***Adam***~

Feb18 , Wenesday

Last Tuesday we did not have any national day practice , I think its because they was gonna be a coach meeting or something so all other school national day practice was canceled too .

How I wish there was practice that time T_T Cause I wanna skip the damn CLASS T_T !!! Well at least the good news there was no A.maths or physics both of those 2 subjects are my worst nightmare . Biology too actually but with T.Kasturi in the hospital having a baby boy delivered we are save for the time being >.> .

Anyway now start the Pictars(Picaracts)[Pics] taken on Wednesday itselfNerds >.> , seriously both of them are similar to ky

we were racing against other class and yeah to be honest , Ali bus reach 1st first placeseriously its like only our school have lots of people wearing sun-glasses

see what i mean

Half of our class have reach and we still have'nt ==" why da hell is our driver using another way anyway

I look over smiled in this pictar o0Zat with da red fan

Hey ARIAN ! da hell your doing in musab gang ! CANT U SEE YOUR 'COLOUR' IS DESTROYING THE GANG REPUTATION ! (not racist)

Breakfast is our everyday needs to work properly in the morning C=

see.......what i mean C= , thats ryte we get free food for morning and afternoon

Fat ,shortie, childish, nerdy , naughty boy, similar to lester walking

Non Non NOn , thats not our school instead its MS(maktab sains)OooooOoooh i can see myself from here ! right there ! behind khus ! ima carying a bag by me shoulderAWwww i cant be seen anymoreAww ima not in this pic too :CCuri , curi tulang C: , if you don't understand then go learn peribahasa =="

Rusyaidi an ex-student ever since after PMB last yearAfifi another ex-student of smss ever since PMB last year(yes after pmb they all change schools)

This midle finger from izzat is dedicated to the camera which is then shown to all of you readers =O

Makan lagi >.>

ALim and Syaz on the laptop and yes we are 'ALLOWED' to bring laptop to schools and sometime bring it to mamih on the other side of the school to go online( yeah mamih got wireless).

Now for another random pictar

Wonder what hapen next if i shut the cover and turn it on >.>


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