Chemistry Pratical , BIBD bank was spared . . . .

B. Torchlight
C.Flying white pie
D.Glow in the dark sticker flying
E. Motion dropping white liquid =O!!!
E. Non of the above )
So Last Monday we had chemistry praticals for the 3rd time me thinks 0o and because my blog is kinda outdated i decided to make a story out of that day >.>
So anyway after school ,
Me ,
Ivan ,
Alister ,
Mizwar ,
Jahn ,
Wani ,
Shaffy ,
well lets just say mostly are students from the pure science who are gonna have praticals, plan to go to mamih makan dulu and since our pratical start at 3.30 again so we gonna crash supa Save(some) next and this time we gonna rob the BIBD BANK BABEH(only us) !
So after school i started taking picture starting with the birthday boy Ho SHOW ! to as the 1st pic to start of the blog
No need to thank me sotong boy its 'okays'

General Knowdledge : Did you know on the day Ho sotong birthday all sotong at the market is sold half price ? BANAR =O .Special kali ah Ho so tong birthday ada special offer lagi tu on his birthday!

See what i mean , Jahn is already there >.> , sorry my finger i dont want to catch his attention(and others) thats why i conver the camera with my hand.

Lets start with everyone we have at the table 1st ... no not me its . . .

As mizwar had said " 80% chances of collision and 20% chances if picture taken" Never thought that it would hapen to me O.o Yea, i not only colide into it but also got the picture of accident

Eddie : MMmmmm yummy
Us : . . . . . . .
Eddie: Wah so refreshing eh !
Alister : Opps *dips finger into Eddie drink*
Eddie : . . . . . . o . o
-pause for 5 second-
Eddie : O.O ?! EEEhhhhhhhh?!
The next picture says what is eddie reaction

Waiter(right, notice the hand) : o.O
Us : *Lols*

Izzat : Entah karan saj bila ia habis makan

Chealsea : Heeyyyy ! ooh may i have some !
Eddie : Sure :)
Alister : Me too :)
Eddie : Nooooooooo :'(
Mat : Leme have some too

Eddie : Sure :)
everyone : O.o ?!
-weird pause-
Eddie : What Oo?

After they were done i was bout to crash supa save with them and rob the BIBD bank but then Jahn want me to go to netland instead ==" BEcause he lanja me and it looks like it may rain i just follow him .
Your safe for today BIBD bank ........................... JUST TODAY ! ......

the 1st round me lose cause of so much delay ==" and cause of his leaping skills , yea he was using Mirana
The 2nd round and 3rd i won easily X) cause no delay so in other words maybe i COULD win against em in the 1st round if it wasent for the delay ==" but lets not turn this post into a dota freak post onto the next .
After till 3.30 we then head back to school

Luckily when we reach there we werent so late unlike last time so after we went in we took our seats immediately no we did not TOOK it but we sit on the seat we took , technically we are stting not taking or moving them or anything we are just taking a sit on the seat bla bla bla bla bla bla (nerd talk)

wats the thang we wear at science lab?
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ [aDam] Last RegretS ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ says:
to prottect our eyes
.::32's Mizzers I'll Be Loving You Forever And Nothings Gonna Stop Me::.She's The Only One Thing I Cannot Ever Live Without. says:
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ [aDam] Last RegretS ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ says:
o .o
▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ [aDam] Last RegretS ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ ▄ says:
no , thats a search engine website u idiot
Ya MAHN ! thats a website ! its lab goggles
While in the science i manage to get lil pics only cause of teacher Putri =O and we had to do our work fast so i can only take pictures when i have time.


Instead of ending this with a random pictar ima end this with the last pictar of the day