National Day pratiz in da Stadium (afternoon)

(da hell ho walk like that o0?)
When it reach 1pm we hurried back to the school so we don’t miss our bus ,
*still stalking*
god knows what would happen if we missed our bus 0o . Anyway I went into my group and got my name checked then into ze bus we go …….. but Why …WHYYyyyy WHyyyy must the bus be so damn Kecil ! It’s the size of a school Bus ,o wait……………it is A SCHOOL BUS ! and only fits 14 people which we have to squeeze in ==” and because of the condition we are in it makes the atmosphere HaWt ! After minutes of cramming , we finally reach our destination , …
The StaDium
The other schools were like already there sitting on da stairs . So we sat alone waiting for the ‘go to the stadium’ signal . As we sat we saw various more school coming and I was like ‘Wa da Efff !!!’ Why other schools got good big Bus while we uses a damn small School Bus ! Not to mention we are from the top 5 schools in Brunei ! This is madness !!! But its not like we are the only school using school bus o0 , St Andrews too 0o and uh….STPRI ? etc. Soon finnaly we got the signal and walks to the Stadium .
*walks* how troublesome
So went to our position and start da practice , I was once in the ‘gangsa’ formation but then because Argil came back from Phils , he took my place which is both a good thing and boring thing :C . They get to run front and back 4 times while we only 2 times :C . Why? Well lets just say the running part is fun .
Whenever we run its like we are having a war 0o like from the movie Troy 0o , So many people running which make it look like a war then Taqy even shouted “ THIS IS SPARTAN!!!! , SPARTAN!!!! ChARGE !!!!” and izzat “ SERANGGGGGG BUNUH !!!!!” and everybody else was like “ YAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!” 0o.
Then there is this part when we do the counting(btw the Chung Hwa students were infront of our school) It goes like…
Chung Hwa : …………
Chung Hwa : o.o ?
Smss : EEE , ERRR , SAN , SHI , UUU , LIU , CHIT , BAT !!! (Chinese)
Chung Hwa and other school : O.O *stares*
Smss : A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H !!! (alphabets)
Chung Hwa and other schools : O.O *stares*
Smss : A , Gie ..…etc (HoKien)
Smss : ALIF , BA , TA , SA ……etc (Jawi)
The schools were like staring at us and I was like “ wa da hell? Do they not get jokes 0o ? Well some school laugh at it , at least they have sense of humour“
*sigh* as if Our school is the coolest school and the only unique one or maybe it is. No hard feelings meanted to other schools
We did 2 go if you know what I mean , we did the performance 2 times wa.
After the performance.ITS KHUS !!!! oppss....too near...
They are doing the keris formation
TheM? lunno curi tulang kali
Ummm ..........aisam? da hell your doing?
*gasp* CikGu Sulaiman did not see meh
Zat and Fared and the behinds are unsophiscated chung hwa girls
Once again its KHus !
Like i said the Chung Hwa students are infront of us
Then Much later we went back with the same bus again . So when we reach back we dota again then went home , and then instantly fell asleep on my bed and woke up at 4.30am . No Joke
Yea i know how u rats feel