National day Pratices Feb14
1st of all sorry for all readers that i have been delaying this story, some of you readers asked me bout my updates and wanted to see the pic i took too so finnaly ima blog bout it and post all the pictar i and some of my friends took on those days .
Btw the reason i can't blog bout it was because i lack the time to go online and i am typing this on thusday at 8.42am to be exact so that means are all at school while i am bz typing .
The reason i am not going to school was because there wont be much classes and i dont have those cara melayu wearing .
Anyway here now start the pictars
Btw the reason i can't blog bout it was because i lack the time to go online and i am typing this on thusday at 8.42am to be exact so that means are all at school while i am bz typing .
The reason i am not going to school was because there wont be much classes and i dont have those cara melayu wearing .
Anyway here now start the pictars
Feb 14 , Saturday
*walks to da stadium* How troublesome =="
OMG THe HOTEST MALE STUDENT MIZWAR ! (to those readers who dont get me why i call him the hotest male student please scroll down my old poses till you see another pic of mizwar)
Don't blame me miz Ali took this one , as you can see the pic are taken from a diferent angle (i was on the right while ali was beside meh on the left taking pics)
HEy Nusalaila ! da hell your looking at !? The camera is right here ! , Oliver being emo over there =O
Nas.....uh i am not sure who in da middle o0 and thats Khairul i think o0?
View from the top , I remember my Phone almost drop down there =O
Where's da food?
YAy the white boy have come to deliver our food !
Teacher : Wow Oliver your so strong
Oliver : Awww Shucks its nothing
everyone over there including me : *rolls eyes*
ALi was singing randomly 0o
WHats our coach doing at da other side =O has he betrayed us !?
Nah nevermind
Teacher :Oliver , i was wondering how do you get yourself so white and not tan?
Oliver : .....................
.Guess who are they(2 of them) and i will give you a patchi XD
Here is another pic for you to guess.
Ali.......umm..........pleasuring a bottle?
OMG ITS A ...........................
Now is this Tang or Lim again o0
Lol Ho(Ho HO HO *laughs*) looks like a old man from this angle this ho too ? :S
Mizan? You and your funny hair
I see a guy who is a slave for girls , pityfull
I Know how you feel nas , its hard to even scratch your nose with those heavy loads huh, same to alister but nas got the most
Awww dont be sad nas , come on smile :)
Nas : Smiles
there you go .........................
HEy WOMEn ! YEah YOu da One behind Nas !WHo ASK YOU TO SMILE TOO ?!?!!?
Branden: This is the coolest post i can think off , MonKey STyle
*note* please dont try this in public kids , you might just be mistaken for a retard
Oh crap , Khus saw the camera , thats a load of fats under your chin khus >.>
Tang........if i remember corectly
K , Lets Move OUT ! GO Go GO ! TO the battlefield !
Fared =O
*girls screams*
i see nas and ali and wafi face >.>
Nas and Ali without wafi face, BLur they are at the centre
in our positions
Go The uh.............'shield and sword' formation team !.............?
and while you people do all the work we rest , i was in the that formation but ever since argil came back he took my place and so the coach change me position , so i am not in the formation anymore and less work for me now XD
HAH i caught ali taking a pic of..............
OF THIS ! (yea he took this pics)
AND THIS ! oh i just realized cikgu Sulaiman existence 0O
1 word
Girls :atttttttttttttttttttttttt *runs*
Girls : TAckkkkkkkkkkkkkk *still running*
Girls : =O *gasp* SPIDERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Boys : O.O
Ministry of Culture : O.O
Audience : O.O
Spider : XD
YAy finnaly balik !
ok.............our bus is early today :S
In da Bus
when we reach school later . the school gate was close and so t.lai called anand to open the gate when.........
random gila teacher : HOI HOI ! BUTA AH !
then some uncleared words , we were in da bus ==
but all i know is that anand was scolded for opening the gate , for JUST OPENING THE GATE , like da hell 0o only that already gilerrr the teacher .
in da claz.
is it me or did he just smiled =O
You all must be wondering why is nas here well , its the geo elective anyway , actually me and mizan is supose to go to our a.maths class but so what we are too lazy too so we skiped it and stayed in geo elective .
Not you too nas !
Qawi may be small but his strong =O .
like they said:
don't judge a book by its content ......i mean COver
Lol he did not feel that beanie on his cap
Now ima end this post with a random pictar , tq
Umm... teacher Husaini .........if your reading this , please dont find me

Oliver : Awww Shucks its nothing
everyone over there including me : *rolls eyes*

Oliver : .....................


there you go .........................
HEy WOMEn ! YEah YOu da One behind Nas !WHo ASK YOU TO SMILE TOO ?!?!!?

*note* please dont try this in public kids , you might just be mistaken for a retard

*girls screams*

and while you people do all the work we rest , i was in the that formation but ever since argil came back he took my place and so the coach change me position , so i am not in the formation anymore and less work for me now XD


Boys : O.O
Ministry of Culture : O.O
Audience : O.O
Spider : XD

when we reach school later . the school gate was close and so t.lai called anand to open the gate when.........
random gila teacher : HOI HOI ! BUTA AH !
then some uncleared words , we were in da bus ==
but all i know is that anand was scolded for opening the gate , for JUST OPENING THE GATE , like da hell 0o only that already gilerrr the teacher .

like they said:
don't judge a book by its content ......i mean COver

Now ima end this post with a random pictar , tq

Umm... teacher Husaini .........if your reading this , please dont find me