Day #4 , safe by day , Killer hill by night
The reason I did not want to go was because of all the common reason you can ever think of. Its because of ‘traffic’ and ‘long rides’.
It was a long trip AND A DAMN LONG TRIP BACK ! you will know how long it is to get back at the end of this post( or in the end next post) , Hey Don't scroll down to the end of the post now o0! Spoiler la !
Yeah I hate em , I always wish there would be such thing which teleports people to wherever they want in the future (yea you might think I am childish but so what) .
Anyway, I did the usual, woke up at 8am then had a shower and get ready to get the signal to enter the car. We had breakfast at a random restaurant. I had a simple kolomee and my dad and step mom had laksa … breakfast..( iknowright 0o ) then my two lil bro’s had simple plain sandwich with ‘kaya’ filling in it .
After everybody had eaten we move on to Cameron highlands. As I said it’s a long damn ride so when the trip started I instantly went to deep sleep. Soon later I was woken up by my instincts since my parents have at a random mall to have lunch.
I have no idea how many hour I had slept but I just don’t care . Anyway we had lunch at KFC , I order my usual plate meal with 2 spiceyeh Chicken . Then my dad called me to pick a meal for my lil bro. I don’t know what to order for em so I just randomly order ‘popcorn chicken’ for em .
So after we had a fast meal at a fast food serving restaurant eating some fast food we then curry on our trip to Cameron . So once again once the trip continued I fell into deep sleep once again. Then later once again I was woken up by my instincts and yea it is always right, we were already going uphill for Cameron highlands.
So I stay up on that time so I can witness the view from Cameron highlands. It was still a damn long drive uphill tho but the view and the cold breeze kept me company and not feeling the usual boredom.
Leme show you some pics I took while we were going uphill and be sure to realize the changes. Yea, the view kinda changes when we go much higher.
Yea so there you go , we just get nearer and nearer till we even get touch the cloud itself already 0o , and damn was it cold up there and to make things more damn cold it was raining while were like um half way up .
So whenever the cold air blows I shiver insanely with gritted teeth (damn right it was that cold) .
So much later we reach a…………………its not a mall…………but………I don’t know how or what it should be called but lets just say you can eat sundae , cake , ice cream , snacks etc , buy cloths , souvenirs , seeds (reminds me of harvest moon lol 0o ) , Cameron highland fruits and there is even a farm you can walk and look around ( not walk and loot around ) .
Mostly the type of farm you would always see in highlands like Mt.sabah or Cameron highlands is usually a strawberry farm . How should I know y 0o? Maybe because strawberry is suitably grown in highlands or something 0o .
Then much later we move on and reach Cameron highlands . Surprisingly it was like KL itself . It has buildings and is a big town . We did not did much exploring in Cameron Highlands tho’ .
We were only there to have some sightseeing and breath taking . Then we were already ready to get back which was gonna be a damn long way back again.
My father stop at a restaurant and ask this Indian guy in da shop for direction , the Indian guy warn my dad that there will be a hell of a traffic but without hesitating my father insist on trying the route .
And damn right the Indian guy was damn right bout the traffic . IN Not even a 30 min drive yet we already encounter the damn traffic.
My dad wanted to turn back but it was too late and if he did the same thing might happen to him just like how it happen in KL itself , meeting traffic one after another that is .
So we were force to take this route , Much later there was a restaurant up ahead and we have not eaten dinner ( it was around 6.30pm when we reach there if I am not mistaken ) so my dad parked the car and decided to have dinner there .
He thought that if we stay to have dinner a while then the traffic might end.
So we go out of the car and into the restaurant, it was famous for serving ‘steamboat’ (reminds me the combination name of someone we use to tease back then in 2008 form3B 0o ) . Here is some view from the restaurant..

To be honest i don't think they need a fan at all because it was damn cold already back there .
I was damn freezing cold back there so whenever there is steam I put my hand as near as possible to warm myself up but it was no use - - , because even thought my hand is warm , My body is not T_T .
It was shivering insanely, But much soon when we started to eat, the chilling feeling disappear into my appetite.
After having dinner we then head for the car but just as I have suspected, there was still damn traffic (when will traffic ever stop). So we get in da car and join in the traffic and suffered the wait.
So I went to sleep ……again (I always go to sleep in long car trips ) .When I woke up we were still in a damn traffic but I can see my dad cutting lines trying to end this suffering . On that time I stay awake watching him cutting lines and getting shouted madly by people ( fo sho ) .
Seriously ah , Orang Kl selalu cari pasal saj - - . I remember back at KL there was always, ALWAYS AND EFFING ALWAYS ………….uh….pressing the thang (thing) at the middle of the steering wheel 0o ? Hon was it o0 ?
Anyway there were always these noises you can hear everywhere, and at least ONE day ONE TIME !
Anyway back to the story , So my dad keep cutting lines and lines over and over non-stop But amazingly no mater how many lines he had cut the traffic did not damn STOP !!!
So as my dad cut and cut and cut and cut finally we have reach the cause of the traffic….it was some kind of parteh (party) going on or something like that so finally after passing by it we finally can move on but………..its not that easy.
This is because it was around 12am that time if I am not mistaken and so IT was SO damn DARK, there were no lamppost no sign board no uh…those thing you would see alongside road which guide you and not fall off……………….the mountain (please refer to one of my pic earlier ) .
BUT NO, NON OF EM WAS THERE!!! AT ALL!!! and to be honest was kinda freaked out by the situation we are in , I stay up to help my dad watch the road just to be extra safe.
Most of you people probably think it’s a normal thang , well its NOT! Leme give you a pic to show you how dangerous was it..
(maybe you people cant make out what it is tho , Lets just say the front is the road and that is all there is to it )
Yeah I have off my flash so you people know how dark and dangerous was it.
After Hours and HOURS ! and I meant HOURS ! We finally Got out of that Killer Hill ( well it does KILLS at night if your not carefully driving, Not to mention luckily it was not raining or the situation would have worsen )
So when we reach home believe or not it was already 3am 0o . Damn Right it was that late , I pity my dad who was driving the whole time trying to stay awake and alert ,yea he was sleepy that time .
But luckily we arrive our destination safe and sound
This must be My Longest Post of all time 0o (fo sho ) And maybe I am the only one with the MOST LONGEST post of all time
I have been rushing to finish this blog so please do appreciate my work readers
So this post ends with a random pic since I have time this time
F1 at the sky tower , rememberrrr ?