Breaking news , Chinese new year special lol
Before i continue my Ky i mean KL story (well its almost finish though) ima gonna start a side story of our Chinese new year celebration .It all started at at the 1st day of chinese new year . Around midnight , i was already in my deep sleep when suddenly
*KNock* *Knock *
The knock was so loud that it woke me up from my sleep . Well words cant express how loud was the knock ,lets just say its loud enough to scare you out of bed . Without even opening the door i already know who was it , it was my dad . He is like the only one which knocks so loudly as if he is gonna break kick the door down next if you delay a minute on opening the door.
Anyway i swung open the door and yea its my dad , he told me its Chinese new year and so i look at my clock its exactly 12 midnight , was he doing a countdown or something ? So then my dad then asked meh if i want to light the firecracker (the one which is like dynamite beh beh )Well i said "hell yeah !" and went downstairs with my dad.
He hung it up and asked meh to light it , once i was about to it reminds me of the last time it was light, it was so damn loud that i could hav gone deaf o0 . So on 2nd thought i let my dad light em up i went outside the house and went to the corner near the fences which leads to the neighbour and watch as my dad light it up .

After it was lighted there goes the damn horror booming and crackling sounds , It was so damn loud that i might just go deaf if i open up my ears from my hands . And because of that i am sorry i cant take a pic of it being lighted . Letz just say colourfull sparks came out at the end of the dyanamite when it is lighted . And around when it reach the end it ends up with a "BOOM" as loud as a thunder.

So after this , i went to deep sleep again but not for long............
The next day ...........
*Knock * *KNOCK*
It was 8 in the morning when my dada called meh to wake up : ( . My usual time of waking up should be at 10 or 11am .This was because my dad was planing to bring us all out to the temple to watch the lion dance show and then to seria to meet my step-mom relatives , yea, to gramas house . Anyway we had breakfast first at the random restaurant then off we go to the temple .
While i was still sleepy i listen to System Of The Down song to keep me awake and yeah it did . Because whenever is play i would sing along and not fall asleep not to mention the screaming part also make me stay awake .
Here is a liltle pic when we were at the lion dance ,

Most people tend to think its dragon dance but to all you clueless readers its LION not DRAGON , Not hard feelings , just making sure you know whats right and wrong .Later off we go to seria on our way there we stop by at tutong at my step mom relatives for a visit . Thats one house and me got one ampao : ) . Then later to another house in tutong and thats 2 ampao : )
here is a lil pic when we were there eating

Here is a lil pic in the living room i took for fun.

Then much later the room was fill with people 0o , there were so much visitors even thought there was no open house 0o . And because of these i cant get any more privacy so i sign out and sit and chat on my phone .
There were lots of kids but all of them as usual..............are younger then meh .

So when we reach back i went to my deep sleep once again , The time ? I don't know and don't care as usual . The onli thing whch tell me the time is the Sky .
Oh yeah
Anyway so ima end this blog with a un-random pic

Our menu is..............
nah juz joking lol
1 week after